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Jumaat, 21 Oktober 2011

if God know they will disappointed of me
if God know me exist, they will ignore it
if God know me hope for him then they will just hear it
if I could see God or even my prophet then i will be speechless
so no needs to feel that God always with me
i don't have courage to lift up my face to prays
i shame to everybody even the people i know and love most

if i could sent them a confession letter then they will return it
i cannot think further whether i have God or not
since i was child the world look after me
the system organize my day and night
the Imam will keep say their prayers and i will heard of it
far from the right path that i had choosen

i don't even know what happen to my life before this
i couldn't see my bright future
I'm tired of this shit
i loss my passion to live and there still another way to choose
dead or alive is an option right now
i don't want to die miserably
i just hope that i can get what i want before i've been caught
sleep does not make me feel the death
hot does not make me feel of hell

i cannot even remember what happiness that i have got
i have parents whose very love me deeply
i have siblings that i love but i couldn't tell them that i do

i looking for help but in direct help
so it  just unreasonable wish
but its ok nobody or nothing can fulfill it
so should i just press F1 to ask for help
or should i just click the 'x' red button on the top corner
or who cares

then once again i looking for God whether they still want to accept me
God i want you to forgive me
God i want you forgive her
God we are innocents
Our burden fell us apart
i don't want any failures in my life
i don't want anyone got hurts as well as me
i don't know where to go
and where to ask for company
please don't just let me go by myself
please don't make me to choose any mistakes
please don't hurts me
please God

every night i cannot sleep
i option to leave the night remains lousy with fears
then the other day i found me guilty
so no more confession to made
should i be sentenced
you know me more than others
so please make my wish come true just once

i said i've tried but nobody knows the truth
after that i suffered alone just to save the day
i couldn't make it anymore
it difficult to be saves
its your faith for me
i just cannot refuse it
then i come back to you for help
help me
help me
help me God just for the God Sake.


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